About Me
Welcome! I'm Henna and I'm currently in beautiful Colorado finishing up my M.S. (expected Dec 2015) in BioAstro. Sounds cool? Because it is ;) Through my program, I'm working on becoming a better Spacecraft Life Support Engineer. This involves learning about engineering solutions to sustain human life in space for long periods of time.
I graduated from MIT in June 2014 with my B.S. in AeroAstro with Information Technology. Through MIT, I had opportunities to work in two labs: the Man Vehicle Lab and the Nano-Engineered Composite Structures lab, take some cool classes, and make incredible friends.
Challenges that get me excited include space suit design, data processing, spacecraft sensor suites, big data, and machine learning for drones. Through projects and research, I've been able to get experience in these interests. I would ultimately love to work on capsule design and automation processes for spacecraft.